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DTC br和s made a name for themselves as high-performance marketers through direct response campaigns on social platforms, 尤其是Facebook. 他们极度关注业绩, 确定推动成功的渠道, A/B测试具有创造性和针对性, 并迅速发展以产生可衡量的结果.

然而,许多其他品牌发现了这种直接回应策略, 当社交渠道趋于饱和,效率下降时, 一个新的数字频道出现了:中央电视台. 讽刺的是, 鉴于电视作为一个品牌渠道的历史, 中央电视台正在成为快速发展的新试验场, 数据驱动的直接回应方法. DTC品牌将引领潮流.

作为专业的数字营销人员, there are three principles DTC br和s have popularized that will now come to digital advertising’s hottest channel: making fast data-driven decisions, 采取以用户为中心的方法, 尝试新技术. Here’s what each of those principles entails 和 what marketers can learn from them.


CTV拥有强大的实时营销数据, 品牌可以利用由此产生的渠道灵活性来快速获利, 明智的决定.

例如, 就像DTC品牌长期以来在社交媒体上所做的那样, CTV advertisers can swiftly adjust creative assets based on real-time data to address performance gaps — ideally without having to wait on a partner to make campaign changes for them.

Real-time CTV data also opens up opportunities to experiment with tactics like dayparting. Casper, for example, followed the data 和 implemented a dayparting strategy to make its 创新活动 更引人注目的是. The mattress 和 bedding br和 runs ads between 1 am 和 5 am to reach late-night audiences who are likely having trouble sleeping. The digitization of TV offers the opportunity to explore intuitive ideas like this on the fly, whereas the old days of TV advertising might have required weeks to shift strategies, 测试他们的有效性, 和迭代.

Digital-native br和s often market themselves through both paid 和 organic efforts on multiple channels, so another tactic they can use to turbocharge paid performance is capitalizing on the synergy between those efforts. 例如, 如果一个有机视频在社交媒体上表现良好, the br和 can use it on paid channels as well 和 push it out across both social 和 CTV.

人工智能将进一步提高这种快速做出数据驱动决策的能力. 该技术提供了大规模学习和响应的机会, 通常情况下,营销人员甚至不需要自己拉动任何杠杆. Quick adopters of AI will gain an edge as others continue to rely on manual decisions.


电视历来是一个内容优先的频道. Advertisers bought media based on the programming against which their ads would run, 对广告的受众和效果做出假设. 但是有了中央电视台, forward-thinking br和s can take advantage of new delivery mechanisms to focus on the audience wherever they are, 而不是主要针对他们的广告内容. This is the essence of the DTC performance marketing playbook, which is newly available on TV.

例如,HelloFresh这样的品牌可以利用 上下文的目标 to align its CTV ads with cooking 和 food-related content across streaming platforms — not just those channels or shows strictly focused on cooking. 这种方式, the DTC meal delivery br和 would be able to target audiences much in the same way marketers leverage keywords for display ads.

除了根据上下文向观众提供CTV广告, 精明的品牌可以为特定的受众定制他们的信息, 达到了传统电视无法提供的精细程度. 想象一下,一个美容品牌想要与不同的受众群体产生共鸣, 每个人对头发都有不同的关注和偏好. 根据CTV提供的人口统计数据, 该品牌将能够为不同背景的观众量身定制广告, showcasing specific product formulations to meet each segment’s unique hair needs.


推动数据驱动的测量,从而产生更有效的广告, innovative br和s will avail themselves of new technologies that don’t just drive conversions but allow campaigns to be tracked more easily.

DTC品牌已经开始使用的一项技术是可购物广告. Shoppable ads allow viewers to seamlessly purchase products through CTV ads with the click of a remote, 事实证明,它们在吸引央视观众方面非常有效. A whopping 55% of smart TV viewers remember seeing a shoppable ad 和 50% have interacted with one, 根据三星广告和Kerv互动的说法 调查. DTC br和s like True Classic, Ergatta, 和 Olly are testing the format (through Roku’s 伙伴关系 with Shopify) to shorten the time between product discovery 和 conversion — 和 better measure the tie between the two.

与此同时,我们也在探索如何在央视广告中进行创新, 品牌将利用不断发展的智能电视硬件,如 电视是免费的55英寸4K电视. The startup’s free TV features a separate panel below the main screen that serves as an always-on ad space that doesn’t disrupt the core TV viewing experience, 为品牌创造与受众互动的绝佳机会.

DTC br和s became the avatars of direct-response marketing in the heyday of social channels. 希望他们能像实时数据一样,把同样的原则带到CTV, audience-based购买, 和 new technologies reposition the silver screen as a digital-first advertising channel. Every marketer can take a page out of the DTC playbook — because digital advertising innovation is not just for digital-native br和s anymore.

[编者注:这是来自 即兴的. 流媒体接受供应商署名完全基于它们对我们读者的价值.]

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


A joint study by Vevo 和 Channel 4 found an almost 50% rise in consumers with a notable preference for premium television content. 洛葛仙妮哈雷, 艾泽里安客户战略总监, explains how advertisers can adapt to this consumer preference shift 和 optimize ad placement strategies within CTV environments to impactfully 和 accurately reach incremental, 可寻址的观众.

The Rise of the Ad Tier: How Streaming Business Models Determine the Content We Watch

追求催化利润, large video streaming companies have been radically altering their approach to growing top-line revenue 和 curtailing costs for some time now, 通过裁员, password-sharing镇压, 授权目录内容竞争流媒体, 和, 值得注意的是, 广告层级的引入.


多年来,策展一直承诺简化和完善程序化交易, yet it has struggled to take off in a digital ecosystem where buyers are largely content maximising scale 和 minimising CPMs. 但是在中央电视台, 哪里的价格高,供应少, curation has emerged as table stakes to navigating advertising's newest premium channel.

As CTV Further Evolves for Both Consumers 和 Advertisers, Here are 3 Trends to Watch for in 2024

Gijsbert Pols,互联电视总监 & 新调整频道,概述了2024年值得关注的三个关键CTV趋势.


YouTube可能太大了,不容忽视. The question for advertisers might be - is it so big that it doesn't have to play by the rules? Hunter Terry of Lotame discusses many of the unusual 和 unexpected advertising advantages that YouTube currently possesses 和 what that means for the overall CTV advertising industry.


Broadcast TV has long been the most effective medium for building br和 awareness. 仍然, 它被认为是出了名的难以购买, 通常被认为是大品牌大预算的专利. But Brian Thoman of WideOrbit says that new marketplace technologies are making broadcast TV easier to buy than ever before, 在本文中, 他揭露了关于广播电视广告和市场购买的7大误区.